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Your new colleague: The evolving role of AI in modern legal practice – on-demand recording

1 CPD Unit  On-demand recording
This session was recorded on 30 January 2024 as part of the New technology essentials for lawyers - mandatory rule 6.1 - live webinar

Your new colleague: The evolving role of AI in modern legal practice
After much hype, this year feels like the year when AI finally arrived. This session is a practical overview of current developments in AI and Machine Learning and how lawyers can effectively work alongside this technology. We will explore this evolving space using real case studies and examples drawn from Australia and other relevant overseas jurisdictions. This session will cover:

  • Where is AI currently being used successfully in legal matters
  • What are the risks and mitigations to consider when adopting this technology
  • How can you get started safely using the technology in your practice
  • What future developments can we expect
In order to enrol in this course, you will require a LawID account, please click here for further details on how to create a free non-member account.

Recorded on 30 January 2024
William Howe, Forensic and Technology Services Director, Clayton Utz

1 CPD units

Non-Member $150.00
Member $105.00

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Ethical concerns in using new technology – on-demand recording

1 CPD Unit  On-demand recording
This session was recorded on 30 January 2024 as part of the New technology essentials for lawyers - mandatory rule 6.1 - live webinar

Ethical concerns in using new technology – Linden Barnes, Senior Ethics Solicitor, Professional Support Unit, Law Society of NSW

This session will cover ethical concerns and consideration in using new technology in legal practice.

In order to enrol in this course, you will require a LawID account, please click here for further details on how to create a free non-member account.
Recorded on 30 January 2024
Linden Barnes, Senior Ethics Solicitor, Professional Support Unit, Law Society of NSW

1 CPD units

Non-Member $150.00
Member $105.00

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Buzzwords: Generative AI – on-demand recording

1.5 CPD Units  On-demand recording

This session was recorded on Wednesday 20 September 2023 as part of the Buzzwords: Generative - live webinar.

Generative AI has been generating a bit of buzz recently. In this session, we will discuss its opportunities and challenges for lawyers, and explore how existing legal obligations can and should be applied to this technology.

Our expert panel will elaborate on various aspects related to generative AI and its impact on legal practice, including:

  • What is generative AI, its current landscape, and use within the law,     
  • How to avoid new risks that emerge from its use,
  • Whether generative AI might be engaging in legal practice and who is responsible when something goes wrong,
  • Its current and future impact on the legal profession, including business models and pricing of legal services. 

Get the buzz on generative AI.

We are pleased to deliver this on-demand recording complimentary to members.

Recorded on 20 September 2023

Panel Moderator Anneka FergusonSenior Lecturer with the UNSW Practical Legal Training Program, Solicitor of Walker Gibbs and King, Member of the Law Society of NSW Ethics Committee

Tom Dreyfus, CEO, Co-founder Josef

Aggie MaisanoGeneral Counsel, Gadens Lawyers, Member of the Law Society of NSW Ethics Committee

Clayton NobleSenior Corporate Counsel, Microsoft Australia and New Zealand

Lindsay O’ConnorHead of Core Product – Pacific, LexisNexis

Jennie Pakula Manager, Innovation and Consumer Engagement Victorian Legal Services Board + Commissioner

Bruno Solia, Partner, MinterEllison

Dr Dilan Thampapillai, Dean and Head of School, The School of Law, the University of Wollongong

1.5 CPD units

Non-Member $149.00
Member $0.00

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Fundamentals of GenAI for lawyers – on-demand recording

1 CPD Unit  On-demand recording

This session was recorded on 16 July 2024 as part of the Fundamentals of GenAI for lawyers – live webinar.

Understanding Generative AI is essential for all lawyers. Legal-specific GenAI solutions are being released and solutions such as Copilot are integrating into standard applications like Outlook and Word, and understanding how these solutions work is vital for legal professionals.

In this webinar, Nick Abrahams aims to empower lawyers by showcasing the transformative impact of GenAI on legal productivity. Attendees will discover how leveraging these innovative technologies can revolutionise efficiency and effectiveness in legal practice.

Key Takeaways from the session:

  • Understand the landscape of GenAI apps available to help lawyers - from immediately-accessible public apps like ChatGPT and Claude to enterprise solutions like Spellbook, Microsoft Copilot and Thomson Reuters CoCounsel.
  • Navigating Ethical and Professional Conduct with GenAI: Gain insights into the key professional and ethical considerations necessary when integrating GenAI into legal practice.
  • Implementing GenAI for Enhanced Efficiency: Learn actionable use cases of GenAI in legal settings that you can apply immediately to boost your and your team's efficiency.

Future Learning Opportunities

For those interested in a deeper understanding of Legal GenAI, consider enrolling in the Bond University online, micro credential also taught by Nick Abrahams, The Breakthrough Lawyer: GenAI Productivity Training for Lawyers. Designed for all lawyers, in-house or in private practice. Six hours to gain the detailed knowledge and tools necessary to harness the potential of GenAI for your legal practice.

Recorded on 16 July 2024
Nick Abrahams, Global Co-Leader, Digital Transformation Practice, Norton Rose Fulbright

1 CPD units

Non-Member $35.00
Member $0.00

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