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The Evatt List: FCFCOA practice and procedure – live webinar

Monday 9 September 2024 
 1 CPD Units Online 
 5:00 PM  6:00 PM

Join us for a live webinar delivered by Judicial Registrar Roberta Allen and Judicial Registrar Kate Weaver from the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia.

 This session will explain the operation of the specialist Evatt List at FCFCOA registries under the auspices of the "Lighthouse Project". The session will cover the following questions:

  • What is the Evatt List?
  • How do I get my matter into the Evatt List?
  • How does the Evatt List differ from the regular case management pathway?
  • How should I prepare for court events in the Evatt List?
  • How do I make the Evatt List process work for my client?

The Law Society of NSW is grateful to be partnering with the FCFCOA to deliver essential education to our members for the benefit of the legal profession. This webinar is offered complimentary to members.

Viewers are advised that this course may contain details that some may find distressing. Please review the course description and use your discretion before proceeding. 

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Judicial Registrar Roberta Allen, Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia
Judicial Registrar Kate Weaver, Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia


1 CPD units

Non-Member $35.00
Member $0.00

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The Evatt List: FCFCOA practice and procedure – live webinar (78378)

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