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Join Dr Yega Muthu as he considers the increasing use of restrictive practices in hospitals for mental health patients and the impact of these practices, despite the principle of least restrictive care under the Mental Health Act 2007 (NSW). The session will examine the types of restrictive practices, such as seclusion, restraint, involuntary acute medication and limiting leave from hospital, the criteria for their application, and will discuss how restrictive practices should be person-centred, the least restrictive option for the shortest time, reduced and eliminated where possible, monitored, and reviewed regularly. Dr Muthu will further reflect on how the treating team must balance safety from harm and freedom of choice of an involuntary patient. This session was recorded during the Specialist Accreditation Conference 2023. DISTRESSING CONTENT Viewers are
advised that this course may contain details that some may find distressing.
Please review the course description and use your discretion before
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Recorded on 18 August 2023 | |
Dr Yega Muthu, Principal, YM Lawyers | |
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