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Register of Foreign Ownership of Australian Assets – videocast

 0.75 CPD Unit  Videocast
This session was recorded on 10 May 2023.

This recorded webinar by Elizabeth Haydon (Australian Taxation Office) covers key information around the new Register of Foreign Ownership of Australian Assets, including its commencement and scope as well as the requirements to give register notices. The session further discusses the new online service for foreign investors and how it can be used by foreign persons to manage their applications, registrations, and obligations in one place. Practitioners will leave the session with the latest information to accurately advise foreign investor clients of the requirements and tools available relating to investment purchases.

Recorded on 10 May 2023
Elizabeth Haydon, Director, Stakeholders and Reporting, Foreign Investment Programs, Australian Taxation Office

0.75 CPD units

Non-Member $130.00
Member $95.00

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