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Navigating care and protection law: Essential insights for family lawyers – on-demand recording

1 CPD Unit  On-demand recording

This session was recorded on Wednesday, 25 October 2023 as part of the Navigating care and protection law: Essential insights for family lawyers – live webinar.

The Law Society of New South Wales is pleased to offer to our members a complimentary recorded webinar covering the fundamental principles and practices in care and protection law. As the practice of family law continues to evolve and overlap with adjacent areas of practice, it is valuable for family law practitioners to expand their understanding of intersecting legal matters, particularly those impacting children. This webinar will equip attendees with a foundational understanding of governing legislation, child protection principles, the types of child protection applications and orders and the powers of the Children’s Court of New South Wales. 

Recorded on Wednesday, 25 October 2023
Dian Neligan, Principal Solicitor, Neligan Law and Accredited Specialist in Children’s Law 


1 CPD units

Non-Member $35.00
Member $0.00

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