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A comparison of consent laws in Australia – on-demand recording

1 CPD Unit  On-demand recording
This recorded webinar was originally captured during the Specialist Accreditation conference 2022 – Criminal Law stream. 

This session covers the rise of affirmative consent laws. To provide context, Will Tuckey discusses the old law before delving into the campaign for affirmative consent laws and the subsequent NSW amendments. Furthermore, Mr Tuckey provides a comparison of these laws with those of other Australian jurisdictions.


Viewers are advised that various Conference sessions contain graphic details that some may find distressing, including but not limited to references to sexual offences, child pornography and  violence. Please review the program and use your discretion before proceeding. 
If you have experienced sexual assault, domestic or family violence and require assistance, please contact 1800RESPECT  (1800 737 732) to speak with a counsellor from the National Sexual Assault and Domestic Family Violence Counselling Service. 

If you are in distress, the Solicitor Outreach Service (1800 592 296) and Lifeline (13 11 14) offer 24/7 counselling support.    

If you are concerned for your safety or that of someone else, please contact the Police or call 000 for emergency assistance. 

Recorded on 5 August 2022
Will Tuckey, Barrister, Samuel Griffith Chambers

1 CPD units

Non-Member $150.00
Member $105.00

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Advising clients on IP asset management – on-demand recording

1 CPD Unit  On-demand recording
This recorded webinar was originally captured during the Specialist Accreditation conference 2022 – Business Law and Property Law streams. 

Georgina Hey and Mindaugas Skavronskas provide a comprehensive breakdown of the different types of IP assets and their distinction from quasi-IP concepts from the perspective of providing accurate and thoughtful advice to clients. Moreover, this session delves into the creation and protection of IP assets, the audit and management of IP portfolios, IP valuation and commercialisation as well as IP enforcement. 

Recorded on 5 August 2022
Georgina Hey, Partner, Norton Rose Fulbright
Mindaugas Skavronskas, Special Counsel, Norton Rose Fulbright

1 CPD units

Non-Member $150.00
Member $105.00

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Bank guarantees and restraints of trade: Recurring issues in business law – on-demand recording

1 CPD Unit  On-demand recording
This recorded webinar was pre-recorded in August 2022 for the Specialist Accreditation Conference 2022 - Business Law stream. 

In this session, Sydney Jacobs covers the 3 enforceability of restraint of trade clauses in NSW and examines what time periods and geographic radii are considered reasonable in restraints. This presentation also considers recent cases where injunctions have been sought to restrain calls on performance bonds or bank guarantees. 

Recorded in August 2022
Sydney Jacobs, Barrister & Mediator, 13 Wentworth Chambers

1 CPD units

Non-Member $150.00
Member $105.00

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Child Sexual Offence Evidence Program – on-demand recording

1 CPD Unit  On-demand recording
This recorded webinar was recorded in October 2022 for the Specialist Accreditation Conference 2022 - Criminal Law stream. 

Her Honour Judge Kate Traill provides an overview of both the legislative framework relevant to the Child Sexual Assault Evidence Program and the role of witness intermediaries in the pre-recorded evidence hearing. Using case study examples, this session provides a comprehensive understanding of what to expect if you are appearing in a Child Sexual Offences Evidence Program (CSOEP) pre-recorded evidence hearing and demonstrates the role of the witness intermediary in assisting child witnesses to give their best evidence. Moreover, Her Honour provides you with tips for adapting your examination-in-chief and cross-examination to comply with common ‘ground rules’ recommendations from Witness Intermediaries. 

Recorded in October 2022
Her Honour Judge Kate Traill, District Court of New South Wales

1 CPD units

Non-Member $150.00
Member $105.00

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Compulsory Third Party insurance claims – on-demand recording

1 CPD Unit  On-demand recording
This recorded webinar was originally captured during the Specialist Accreditation conference 2022 – Personal Injury stream. 

This presentation focuses on the concepts of voluntary assumption of risk, joint illegal enterprise and the agony of the moment for claims under the Motor Accident Injuries Act 2017 (NSW) and Motor Accidents Compensation Act 1999 (NSW). While joint illegal enterprise operates at the level of whether a duty of care exists, the other principles arise in the context of whether a motorist has breached their duty of care. After considering the fundamental principles, consideration is given to their practical application. 


Viewers are advised that various Conference sessions contain graphic details that some may find distressing, including but not limited to references to sexual offences, child pornography and  violence. Please review the program and use your discretion before proceeding. 
If you have experienced sexual assault, domestic or family violence and require assistance, please contact 1800RESPECT  (1800 737 732) to speak with a counsellor from the National Sexual Assault and Domestic Family Violence Counselling Service. 

If you are in distress, the Solicitor Outreach Service (1800 592 296) and Lifeline (13 11 14) offer 24/7 counselling support.    

If you are concerned for your safety or that of someone else, please contact the Police or call 000 for emergency assistance. 

Recorded on 5 August 2022
Brendan Jones, Barrister, 9 Windeyer Chambers

1 CPD units

Non-Member $150.00
Member $105.00

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Construction of contracts – on-demand recording

1 CPD Unit  On-demand recording
This videocast was originally captured during the Specialist Accreditation Conference 2022 - Business Law stream. 

In this session, The Honourable Justice Elisabeth Peden discusses tips and tools that can be used to construe difficult clauses and also explores the issue of whether different rules apply with different types of contracts. This session also covers the best approach when a contract is drafted in a foreign language. 

Please note that not all questions asked by the live audience are clearly audible.

Recorded on 4 August 2022
The Honourable Justice Elisabeth Peden, Supreme Court of NSW

1 CPD units

Non-Member $150.00
Member $105.00

Show more

Criminal and mental health law – on-demand recording

1 CPD Unit  On-demand recording
This videocast was originally captured during the Specialist Accreditation Conference 2022 - Criminal Law stream. 

This session explores the intersection of criminal law and mental health law. Corrie Goodhand provides a recap of the changes introduced by the Mental Health & Cognitive Impairment Forensic Provisions Act 2020 (NSW) and offers a consideration of the pathways through the custodial and forensic system for forensic patients. This session also delves into applications for extension of forensic status in the Supreme Court. 

Please note that not all questions asked by the live audience are clearly audible. 


Viewers are advised that various Conference sessions contain graphic details that some may find distressing, including but not limited to references to sexual offences, child pornography and  violence. Please review the program and use your discretion before proceeding. 
If you have experienced sexual assault, domestic or family violence and require assistance, please contact 1800RESPECT  (1800 737 732) to speak with a counsellor from the National Sexual Assault and Domestic Family Violence Counselling Service. 

If you are in distress, the Solicitor Outreach Service (1800 592 296) and Lifeline (13 11 14) offer 24/7 counselling support.    

If you are concerned for your safety or that of someone else, please contact the Police or call 000 for emergency assistance. 

Recorded on 4 August 2022
Corrie Goodhand, Barrister, Black Chambers

1 CPD units

Non-Member $150.00
Member $105.00

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Directors duties and the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia – recorded webinar

 0.5 CPD Unit  Recorded webinar
This recorded webinar was originally captured during the Specialist Accreditation conference 2022 – Family Law stream. 

This session covers directors’ duties that may be relevant in family law matters where a family business is involved. Jacob Smith explains how the CFCOA treats directors’ duties, and explores the implications that these duties have on family law proceedings. 


Viewers are advised that various Conference sessions contain graphic details that some may find distressing, including but not limited to references to sexual offences, child pornography and  violence. Please review the program and use your discretion before proceeding. 
If you have experienced sexual assault, domestic or family violence and require assistance, please contact 1800RESPECT  (1800 737 732) to speak with a counsellor from the National Sexual Assault and Domestic Family Violence Counselling Service. 

If you are in distress, the Solicitor Outreach Service (1800 592 296) and Lifeline (13 11 14) offer 24/7 counselling support.    

If you are concerned for your safety or that of someone else, please contact the Police or call 000 for emergency assistance. 

Recorded on 5 August 2022
Jacob Smith, Senior Associate, Coleman Greig Lawyers

0.5 CPD units

Non-Member $105.00
Member $75.00

Show more

Employment set-offs: Clauses and claims – on-demand recording

1 CPD Unit  On-demand recording
This videocast was originally captured during the Specialist Accreditation Conference 2022 - Business Law stream. 

In this session, Adrian Barwick considers some of the complex legal issues surrounding employment set-off clauses. The presentation also covers the obligations under industrial instruments. Furthermore, Adrian Barwick delves into examples of employment disputes involving set-off arguments, provides drafting tips, and discusses modern award wage mechanisms. 

Please note that not all questions asked by the live audience are clearly audible.

Recorded on 4 August 2022
Adrian Barwick, Solicitor Director, WilliamsonBarwick

1 CPD units

Non-Member $150.00
Member $105.00

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Enforcement of planning and environment law obligations – on-demand recording

1 CPD Unit  On-demand recording 
This videocast was originally captured during the Specialist Accreditation Conference 2022 - Property Law stream. 

This session covers planning and environmental law obligations. Over the course of the presentation, Mark Seymour examines both civil enforcement options and criminal penalties and also considers the relevant causes of action under the common law. 

Please note that not all questions asked by the live audience are clearly audible.

Recorded on 4 August 2022
Mark Seymour, Barrister, Martin Place Chambers

1 CPD units

Non-Member $150.00
Member $105.00

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Family violence and family law: Some current issues – recorded webinar

1 CPD Unit  Recorded webinar
This recorded webinar was originally captured during the Specialist Accreditation conference 2022 – Family Law stream. 

This presentation by Jane Wangmann and Miranda Kaye addresses issues that arise, and the crucial skills required, when lawyering in family violence cases. The session also covers the use of the cross-examination scheme in self-represented litigant matters, and delves into Hague Convention matters. 


Viewers are advised that various Conference sessions contain graphic details that some may find distressing, including but not limited to references to sexual offences, child pornography and  violence. Please review the program and use your discretion before proceeding. 
If you have experienced sexual assault, domestic or family violence and require assistance, please contact 1800RESPECT  (1800 737 732) to speak with a counsellor from the National Sexual Assault and Domestic Family Violence Counselling Service. 

If you are in distress, the Solicitor Outreach Service (1800 592 296) and Lifeline (13 11 14) offer 24/7 counselling support.    

If you are concerned for your safety or that of someone else, please contact the Police or call 000 for emergency assistance. 

Recorded on 5 August 2022
Miranda Kaye, Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Law, UTS
Jane Wangmann, Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, UTS

1 CPD units

Non-Member $150.00
Member $105.00

Show more

Historic sexual abuse law – videocast

1 CPD Unit  Videocast
This videocast was originally captured during the Specialist Accreditation Conference 2022 – Personal Injury stream. 

This session provides an overview of sexual abuse litigation in Australia. Ali Pettit covers the recent decisions in Australia for historical abuse cases and the main challenges for practitioners in this area of law. Furthermore, she delves into the relevant issues surrounding morals, law, emotion and money that can arise in these cases. 


Viewers are advised that various Conference sessions contain graphic details that some may find distressing, including but not limited to references to sexual offences, child pornography and  violence. Please review the program and use your discretion before proceeding. 
If you have experienced sexual assault, domestic or family violence and require assistance, please contact 1800RESPECT  (1800 737 732) to speak with a counsellor from the National Sexual Assault and Domestic Family Violence Counselling Service. 

If you are in distress, the Solicitor Outreach Service (1800 592 296) and Lifeline (13 11 14) offer 24/7 counselling support.    

If you are concerned for your safety or that of someone else, please contact the Police or call 000 for emergency assistance. 

Recorded on 4 August 2022
Alessandra Pettit, Associate, Stacks Goudkamp

1 CPD units

Non-Member $150.00
Member $105.00

Show more

International parenting matters : The impact of the pandemic on Hague Convention – On-demand recording

1 CPD Unit  On-demand recording
This recorded webinar was originally captured during the Specialist Accreditation conference 2022 – Family Law stream. 

In this session, Monique Robb provides a recap on how relocation matters are determined as well as a review of international relocation cases since March 2020. This presentation discusses the key takeaways from these relocation cases and delves into various Hague decisions made since March 2020. Furthermore, this session considers the implications for Hague Convention applications. 


Viewers are advised that various Conference sessions contain graphic details that some may find distressing, including but not limited to references to sexual offences, child pornography and  violence. Please review the program and use your discretion before proceeding. 
If you have experienced sexual assault, domestic or family violence and require assistance, please contact 1800RESPECT  (1800 737 732) to speak with a counsellor from the National Sexual Assault and Domestic Family Violence Counselling Service. 

If you are in distress, the Solicitor Outreach Service (1800 592 296) and Lifeline (13 11 14) offer 24/7 counselling support.    

If you are concerned for your safety or that of someone else, please contact the Police or call 000 for emergency assistance. 

Recorded on 5 August 2022
Monique Robb, Special Counsel, Lander & Rogers

1 CPD units

Non-Member $150.00
Member $105.00

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Key developments in Australian equity capital markets – On-demand recording

1 CPD Unit  On-demand recording
This videocast was originally captured during the Specialist Accreditation Conference 2022 - Business Law stream. 

This session covers the state of the Australian equity capital market with observations of market trends and recent capital raising activity. Adam D’Andreti delves into the recent developments relating to ASIC and ASX that are relevant to capital raising transactions and ASX listed entities. Moreover, this presentation also includes the key issues to consider for initial public offerings and secondary capital raising transactions. 

Please note that not all questions asked by the live audience are clearly audible.

Recorded on 4 August 2022
Adam D'Andreti, Partner, Gilbert + Tobin

1 CPD units

Non-Member $150.00
Member $105.00

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Leasing law – On-demand recording

1 CPD Unit  On-demand recording
This videocast was originally captured during the Specialist Accreditation Conference 2022 - Property Law stream. 

This session covers the topic of market rent reviews in leases which are not governed by the Retail Leases Act (NSW). Catherine Hallgath discusses current trends in commercial office market rent review as well as compares effective market rent review with a face market rent review. Additionally, Ms Hallgath provides her top 5 take away points for construing rent review provisions in the commercial setting.  

Recorded on 4 August 2022
Catherine Hallgath, Partner, Mills Oakley

1 CPD units

Non-Member $150.00
Member $105.00

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Litigation involving the Commonwealth Proceeds of Crime Act 2002: Key issues and recent developments – On-demand recording

1 CPD Unit  On-demand recording
This videocast was originally captured during the Specialist Accreditation Conference 2022 - Criminal Law stream. 

In this presentation, Arthur Moses SC provides an overview of the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 (Cth). This session covers restraining order applications, applications for revocation of restraining orders, applications for examination orders and applications to stay examinations. 


Viewers are advised that various Conference sessions contain graphic details that some may find distressing, including but not limited to references to sexual offences, child pornography and  violence. Please review the program and use your discretion before proceeding. 
If you have experienced sexual assault, domestic or family violence and require assistance, please contact 1800RESPECT  (1800 737 732) to speak with a counsellor from the National Sexual Assault and Domestic Family Violence Counselling Service. 

If you are in distress, the Solicitor Outreach Service (1800 592 296) and Lifeline (13 11 14) offer 24/7 counselling support.    

If you are concerned for your safety or that of someone else, please contact the Police or call 000 for emergency assistance. 

Recorded on 4 August 2022
Arthur Moses SC, Barrister, New Chambers

1 CPD units

Non-Member $150.00
Member $105.00

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Meaning, unlike beauty, is not in the eyes of the beholder: Bazzi and the ordinary reasonable social media user – On-demand recording

1 CPD Unit  On-demand recording
This recorded webinar was originally captured during the Specialist Accreditation conference 2022 – Personal Injury stream. 

This session covers the recent changes and proposed changes to defamation law in Australia, including an analysis of some recent cases. Stewart O’Connell also discusses how these developments impact the social media user, as well as how these changes impact the way the legal practitioner represents the social media user. 


Viewers are advised that various Conference sessions contain graphic details that some may find distressing, including but not limited to references to sexual offences, child pornography and  violence. Please review the program and use your discretion before proceeding. 
Viewers are advised that this content contains graphic language and details that some may find distressing, including references to sexual offences and violence. Please use your discretion before proceeding. 
If you have experienced sexual assault, domestic or family violence and require assistance, please contact 1800RESPECT  (1800 737 732) to speak with a counsellor from the National Sexual Assault and Domestic Family Violence Counselling Service. 

If you are in distress, the Solicitor Outreach Service (1800 592 296) and Lifeline (13 11 14) offer 24/7 counselling support.   

If you are concerned for your safety or that of someone else, please contact the Police or call 000 for emergency assistance. 

Recorded on 5 August 2022
Stewart O'Connell, Senior Solicitor, O'Brien Criminal & Civil Solicitors

1 CPD units

Non-Member $150.00
Member $105.00

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Panel: A 360 view of medical assessment in the CTP scheme – On-demand recording

1 CPD Unit  On-demand recording
This videocast was originally captured during the Specialist Accreditation Conference 2022 – Personal Injury stream. 

This panel discussion, featuring expert representative across legal and medical fields, covers the day-to-day operations of lawyers, medico-legal doctors and PIC Medical Assessors in the COVID impacted era. Hear from the panellists on what processes are done well during the medico-legal and medical assessment process, and what can be improved on. The panel also offers tips on how to improve common legal, medico-legal and medical assessment issues in CTP claims associated with the medico-legal and medical assessment process. 

Please note that not all questions asked by the live audience are clearly audible. 


Viewers are advised that various Conference sessions contain graphic details that some may find distressing, including but not limited to references to sexual offences, child pornography and  violence. Please review the program and use your discretion before proceeding. 
If you have experienced sexual assault, domestic or family violence and require assistance, please contact 1800RESPECT  (1800 737 732) to speak with a counsellor from the National Sexual Assault and Domestic Family Violence Counselling Service. 

If you are in distress, the Solicitor Outreach Service (1800 592 296) and Lifeline (13 11 14) offer 24/7 counselling support.    

If you are concerned for your safety or that of someone else, please contact the Police or call 000 for emergency assistance. 

Recorded on 4 August 2022
Moderator: Leigh Davidson, Principal Solicitor & Managing Director, Advantage Legal
Panellist: Adam Abboud, Special Counsel, McInness Wilson Lawyers
Panellist: Dr James Bodel, Orthopaedic Surgeon, MedAssess Australia
Panellist: Associate Professor Michael Robertson, Medico-legal consultant, Medilaw

1 CPD units

Non-Member $150.00
Member $105.00

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Panel: Criminalising coercive control – On-demand recording

1 CPD Unit  On-demand recording
This videocast was originally captured during the Specialist Accreditation Conference 2022 - Criminal Law stream. 

This panel session discusses the proposed criminalisation of coercive control in NSW, in particular; the recently released draft Crimes Legislation Amendment (Coercive Control) Bill 2022. Panellists from across the legal profession and domestic violence support sector also provide an overview of the reasons why there has been a need to criminalise this form of control, whether the draft bill meets this need, and the challenges involved in drafting appropriate legislation. The panel also covers the consultation and drafting process and examines the next steps for practitioners. 

Please note that not all questions asked by the live audience are clearly audible. 


Viewers are advised that various Conference sessions contain graphic details that some may find distressing, including but not limited to references to sexual offences, child pornography and  violence. Please review the program and use your discretion before proceeding. 
If you have experienced sexual assault, domestic or family violence and require assistance, please contact 1800RESPECT  (1800 737 732) to speak with a counsellor from the National Sexual Assault and Domestic Family Violence Counselling Service. 

If you are in distress, the Solicitor Outreach Service (1800 592 296) and Lifeline (13 11 14) offer 24/7 counselling support.    

If you are concerned for your safety or that of someone else, please contact the Police or call 000 for emergency assistance. 

Recorded on 4 August 2022
Moderator: Avinash Singh, Principal Lawyer, Astor Legal
Panellist: Melinda Graczol, Solicitor, Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions
Panellist: The Honourable Judge Penny Musgrave, District Court of New South Wales
Panellist: Elise Phillips, Interim CEO, Domestic Violence NSW

1 CPD units

Non-Member $150.00
Member $105.00

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Preparing a business for sale: A tax lawyer’s perspective – On-demand recording

1 CPD Unit  On-demand recording
This videocast was originally captured during the Specialist Accreditation Conference 2022 - Business Law stream. 

This session covers key tax matters and tax concessions to be aware of when preparing a business for sale. You also will gain an overview on drafting and reviewing sale agreements from a tax perspective, including documenting the sale consideration, tax warranties and tax indemnities. King Tan delivers guidance on how to advise on a restructure before sale and prepare for due diligence, and also provides tips on how to advise on earnouts and non-cash consideration.  

Please note that not all questions asked by the live audience are clearly audible.

Recorded on 4 August 2022
King Tan, Special Counsel, Coleman Greig Lawyers

1 CPD units

Non-Member $150.00
Member $105.00

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Private equity transactions – On-demand recording

1 CPD Unit  On-demand recording
This videocast was originally captured during the Specialist Accreditation Conference 2022 - Business Law stream. 

In this session, Lee Horan covers pre-deal exclusivity in public transactions and also explores regulatory conditions in schemes of arrangement. Moreover, this presentation investigates the increasing complexity in structures used by private equity sponsors in public transactions, and provides guidance on warranty and indemnity (W&I) insurance in private equity transactions.  

Please note that not all questions asked by the live audience are clearly audible.

Recorded on 4 August 2022
Lee Horan, Partner, King & Wood Mallesons

1 CPD units

Non-Member $150.00
Member $105.00

Show more

Property and climate change: Legal and cultural discourses of entitlement, loss and habitat – On-demand recording

1 CPD Unit  On-demand recording
This videocast was originally captured during the Specialist Accreditation Conference 2022 - Property Law stream. 

This session covers complex legal aspects surrounding the intersection of property law and climate change. Dr Nicole Graham provides an academic perspective on issues of entitlement, loss and habitat. This presentation also considers the research literature surrounding these topics. 

Please note that not all questions asked by the live audience are clearly audible. 

Recorded on 4 August 2022
Dr Nicole Graham, Associate Professor, The University of Sydney

1 CPD units

Non-Member $150.00
Member $105.00

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Property considerations in commercial transactions – On-demand recording

1 CPD Unit  On-demand recording
This recorded webinar was originally captured during the Specialist Accreditation conference 2022 – Business Law and Property Law streams. 


In this session, Alicia Albury and Ben Harper-Phillips discuss the property issues (freehold and leasehold) that commonly arise in business sale and share sale transactions. They also cover the process of undertaking property due diligence to address these issues. 

Recorded on 5 August 2022
Alicia Albury, Partner, Maddocks
Ben Harper-Phillips, Special Counsel, Maddocks

1 CPD units

Non-Member $150.00
Member $105.00

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Recent cases: Intentional torts – on-demand recording

1 CPD Unit  On-demand recording
This recorded webinar was originally captured during the Specialist Accreditation conference 2022 – Personal Injury stream. 

The session covers the fundamentals of intentional tort litigation in Australia. Peter O’Brien  examines important recent cases that relate to the torts of assault, battery, false imprisonment, malicious prosecution and misfeasance in public office. Furthermore, this presentation covers the application of the Civil Liability Act 2002 (NSW) to intentional tort claims. 


Viewers are advised that various Conference sessions contain graphic details that some may find distressing, including but not limited to references to sexual offences, child pornography and  violence. Please review the program and use your discretion before proceeding. 
If you have experienced sexual assault, domestic or family violence and require assistance, please contact 1800RESPECT  (1800 737 732) to speak with a counsellor from the National Sexual Assault and Domestic Family Violence Counselling Service. 

If you are in distress, the Solicitor Outreach Service (1800 592 296) and Lifeline (13 11 14) offer 24/7 counselling support.    

If you are concerned for your safety or that of someone else, please contact the Police or call 000 for emergency assistance. 

Recorded on 5 August 2022
Peter O'Brien, Principal Solicitor, O'Brien Criminal & Civil Solicitors

1 CPD units

Non-Member $150.00
Member $105.00

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