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Sexual Harassment: Changing workplace culture – live online workshop (March 2025)

Wednesday, 12 March 2025
 2 CPD Units  Live webinar 
 10:00 AM 12:00 PM

Sweeping changes have been made in recent years in the workplace with the Federal Parliament passing the Anti-Discrimination and Human Rights Legislation Amendment (Respect at Work) Bill 2022 (the Bill) and amendment to section 47C of the Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth) (the ‘Amendment’).

The Amendment commenced on 13 December 2022 and imposes a positive legal duty on employers to take reasonable and proportionate measures to eliminate sex discrimination, including sexual harassment in the workplace. In order to comply with the duty, it is recommended employers adopt a number of measures, including regular training and education.

Join us for an Australian first, legal industry training workshop that deals with the issue of sexual harassment in the profession. The workshop identifies inappropriate conduct, the role of bystanders, workplace culture and the reporting and management of complaints. Recorded scenes in the workplace, using professional actors, are featured to aid learning and understanding of this serious issue, challenging what each of us can do to reduce the harm to individuals, organisations and the profession as a result of sexual harassment.

2 CPD units

Non-Member $90.00
Member $65.00

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Sexual Harassment: Changing workplace culture – live online workshop (78419)

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